FREEDOM from the Shackles
Restore Such a One
The Lord is My Shepherd
The Serenity Prayer
Children and Parents
Putting the Emphasis on the Eternal
Stand, Then Stand
A study in separation - Jonah
Secure in the Arms of Jesus
He says
A Friendship Project
God's Amazing Church
He is our Tower
Officer Waxworks
Can I get a witness?
Faith and Love
Know thy self
Facing Temptation
Keep Your Focus on JESUS
Children of God
A Lingering Aroma
Approval Addiction
Celebrating Thanksgiving in the mist of a storm
FREEDOM from the Shackles
The Perfecting Power of Love
Blank page
Special Gifts
Like Spring Water
Here's to You, Faithful Driven Fathers
On Top of the World
But Just Jesus
The Rising Waters
Step 1.
Lifting Our Voice
The Winner
About Better Tomorrows
The Commitment To Life
Reformation Day: A Mighty Fortress is Our God
Is the Reformation Over?
Free Offer
Does God Care?
Strength Comes from God
An Experts Guide to Making Life Changes
When Satan Comes Knocking
God has made me laugh



Freedom from the Shackles



Let al bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ has forgiven you. ---Ephesians 4:31-32

 Today, I can honestly admit that in the year as threats of physical violence came to me, I did not handle the circumstances as calmly as I could have, even could say as one of my pastors puts it those circumstances caused me to “act out of character to the real person I am.” I can say that as a child, I was raised in violence, abuse and destructive talking, thinking, and physiological abuse.
In as much as that is no excuse, it explained to a degree the reality of that way of life not being expectable to me in any form. It is hard for me, in that, I have not been in a place in life before where that was so ramped as it is here, it is shocking to me the mentality of seeking to resolve matters with valance. Thankfully God has brought me to a place where that has not been in my path often, people that think that way. A man was telling me just the other day about anger becoming a destructive role in his life, living with parents that use drugs and alcohol that affects his every day most often. Feeling trapped by the shackles of life or the enemy (Satan.), seems so obscure at times, it is most often all about perspective. Trust there are some positive steps to allowing our faith to becoming alliterating to the out-side stimuli in-which create the struggles.

Many believers find themselves trapped by old habits, stereo-typical thinking, addictions, thinking patterns, old ways of doing the same old stuff. Often I have quoted; “It is illogical to do the same old things expecting a different results.” If we do the same old things, the same old ways, we wil surely get the same old results…. What is the solution..?


First: Accountability, accepting what needs to be different and accepting one’s role in the process and choosing a difference.


Two: Ask God for forgiveness for our sins, then, just as important Forgive those who has transgressed against us.


Thirdly: Set goals for yourself that will make you a better person form the experience, we can be either bitter or better, Let’s choose Better Tomorrows by setting plans that are positively motivated.


Forth: Find a person you can trust even us online will work and be accountable one to the other.


Fifth: Come before God being totally honest about the strengths as the weaknesses in our lives. God wants to be a part of our lives in all aspect of this journey. When you suffer, just this, The Son of man suffers with us. Prayer is the key the believer has that has so much power that it is unimaginable. The Lord God cares so very much for you that He wants us to come to Him with the small things as well as the large ones. It is about us Trusting Him, He will comfort us even when things seem hard to deal with. Please remember to ask God to help us gain His perspective in and surrounding our circumstances. Also though remember that when we experience stuff, it is about what we are learning in the process more than anything. We can forget that the process of trials, struggles are tools that yet we cannot see right now, there is a reason for everything. One day we will be able to share to the point what we experienced will help save a life. Help turn a life to Christ, it is a far greater thing that I could do be the example of the Living God to another brethren.


I love this song “Give Me Your Eyes.” Brandon Heath great Christian Singer, You should order His CD it is great you can hear a copy on our YouTube @  Type in BTEM2008  when it comes up click the song list and click “Give Me Your Eyes Lord.”


There is great rewords in desiring the best for our lives, for talking to God honestly about the situations in our lives we wish to change, more importantly, lets us request of Him to lead us toward His Loving promises revealing His true mission for our Lives.


Better Tomorrows


You might think it silly now, but way back when, Nicholas Jonas was just twelve I was begging Christian stations to play his music, I said this kid is going to be Big, He is going places, hehe Wow was that an understatement. I wrote them (The Jonas's) and told them I would remove the photo / link if they wanted The Two Great Cd's at the time was and still is "Dear God" and "Joy to the world a Christmas Prayer" boy these are still timeless gifts hope you get one  Oh the next year his Cd's took off and they were playing those Cd's all the time in the interim I put the Cd hook-ups on the Christian sites.   God Bless

You can order by Clicking the CD Nicholas Jonas

I have always valued the impute from readers, especially men and woman in recovery, Why.?. Because I feel as if we have come so far already, I mean, temptation on either side of us. Sometimes right in our families, some that may find joy in our falling. Regardless the struggle I believe God has given me the gift to empower His papers to make lives step into the Full Armor of God Daily, We have to deal with what is in the day right now! Because we cannot change ten minutes ago, we can't change a year ago, but we can know in the day we will strive to make our lives a beacon to those suffering and granted there are many. I would rather bring one man to the cross then anything else in this journey. We have the power to help those, right around us, make it happen today, you can do this!

Better Tomorrows
85-366 Heather lane.
Coachella, California. 92236
323-907-8212 (Cell)
E-Mail: < Prayer Requests
E-Mail:  < Your Story

You can sing up for text devotions by texting the request to that number listed of course we post email devotions and the papers I will list the main address presently, that address has links to everything, have any questions, concerns, Prayer requests please submit then to the Aim account @ all other mail can go to the Main account

Better Tomorrows