Children and Parents
“And he will
turn the
hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their
fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction.”
Malachi 4:6(ESV).
A friend of mine was preaching yesterday. His text was on
John the Baptist. He made the connection between the verse in Luke 1:17 and the
corresponding verse reference in Malachi given above. What struck me was
something quite simple within this verse in Malachi.
I had never noticed before this aspect of Fatherhood.
Something within said that there is a danger, where parents are too busy for
their children, that it can have effects on the family and on the society both
present and future. The sins of the parents will be visited on the children, a
self-fulfilling prophecy for the people, with a curse as consequence for the
I talked to my wife about this thought and in reply, she
mentioned an article in her magazine entitled something akin to: “How to be a
mother in 60 minutes a day“. It raised the question in my heart “Why are we so
keen to have families and yet not give them the priorities given in scripture?”
Yes, we need money to live but at what a cost?
Jesus was keen to receive the small children, wants us to
come to Him with the uncluttered and wholehearted faith of children. They are
important to Him because they are just the same in spirit as those of us who
are older, in a more capacious container. Why then is the bus-I-ness (ie. being
too busy for too long) of work creating an acceptability of absenteeism that is
in danger of consuming the society we hoped to grow and be a part of, where
there is no space for more.
I think about my own parenthood. How has this been
influenced by my history? How, in turn, am I influencing, have influenced, my
children? How will this influence my children’s children?
Matthew 18:3 (ESV):- and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless
you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
PRAYER: LORD, I thank You that You do not treat us as our
sins deserve because we come to You in the name of Jesus the Christ.
LORD today, deliver us from this evil: being too busy for our
loved ones. Thank You that You are never too busy for us. Grant that we may
live a good example of what may be a right balance between worship, work and
play in our lives.
LORD, You love the childlike simplicity of the Young. Heal
those of us who have hurts and burdens that we carry with us which make us too
busy to be able to care. Amen.
By Rod Marshall