The Commitment To Life
Restore Such a One
The Lord is My Shepherd
The Serenity Prayer
Children and Parents
Putting the Emphasis on the Eternal
Stand, Then Stand
A study in separation - Jonah
Secure in the Arms of Jesus
He says
A Friendship Project
God's Amazing Church
He is our Tower
Officer Waxworks
Can I get a witness?
Faith and Love
Know thy self
Facing Temptation
Keep Your Focus on JESUS
Children of God
A Lingering Aroma
Approval Addiction
Celebrating Thanksgiving in the mist of a storm
FREEDOM from the Shackles
The Perfecting Power of Love
Blank page
Special Gifts
Like Spring Water
Here's to You, Faithful Driven Fathers
On Top of the World
But Just Jesus
The Rising Waters
Step 1.
Lifting Our Voice
The Winner
About Better Tomorrows
The Commitment To Life
Reformation Day: A Mighty Fortress is Our God
Is the Reformation Over?
Free Offer
Does God Care?
Strength Comes from God
An Experts Guide to Making Life Changes
When Satan Comes Knocking
God has made me laugh

Each Day You Awake Is
A Brand New Opportunity
To Be Jesus To The World


Leave Things A Little Better

Than You Found Them



Each Day You Awake Is

A Brand New Opportunity To Be Jesus To The World



Commitment To Life




I understand that it is my

responsibility to continue

to educate myself.


If I try, to resolve

tomorrows issues with

yesterdays solutions.


I will receive the same

results today as was




I know that my Higher-Power /Infinite Intelligence / God Within me is my true source of strength, honor, peace, serenity, harmony and abundance. I know now that

my trust must be in this power alone to know

what is best for the direction of my life.

I know now also that I loose control of my

life when I start thinking with the thoughts

of Yester-year. My trust is renewed each morning

I come to Him in Prayer..



Free Will:

I finally accept that I am responsible for my life.

I am in control of everything,

the manner in which

I speak,

the manner in which

I respond to others.

The manner in which

I treat others.

I am responsible for the manner in which I respond to developing circumstances in my life

 today I now know this.




I have made a decision to not judge anything or anybody including myself. Judging, just like anger, hate and gossiping tears at the very fiber of our beings, It allows our minds to be consumed with sin, consumed with ourselves. This probably is just one of the most powerful tools

of the enemy uses against us. Anything that takes us away from a loving God existence is not of God. 




I choose to practice forgiveness in every aspect of my life. Knowing that the only perfect being was nailed to a cross for my sin / is the Lord God who has forgiven me of flaws, sins and mistakes empowered my spirit to-be forgiving. I now know  forgiveness is the forefront of

my strength, my spirituality and growth.





I choose to practice seeing the greatness God has made in everyone. That no one including myself is perfect. Jesus the only savior is a perfect being and seated at the right hand

of the Father.

I choose to accept everyone just the way they are, and view people for what they are, images of Christ.





I recognize that fear is the withholding of Love

and spirituality. The enemy tries to steal

the inner strengths of us, take away the power of Gods love in


I choose to practice Expressing my Love for God before others, there is no greater Love than God. I will feel unconditional Love for others, I will express love for people Places and things whenever I experience them. Fear is not of God. I am in God's hands, I will remember to talk with Jesus Immediately

each day tell Jesus I love Him, Everyday in every way. Praying and taking time to meditate. I know, now, Love is essential to my growth in Christ

I will trust God to lead me in every aspect

of my life...




I accept that any improvements in the

quality of my life are my own responsibility, so I choose to feel the joy within me more

and more each day. I will make a point to be joyous. I will take time just for me to enjoy what God has given us, time to appreciate

the things I have accomplished.

 To Aappreciate the people around me...



I realize that the universe is a mutual support system I in many area's will only receive what

I have made a point to bring forward, so

I choose to use every situation as an opportunity to gratefully give and receive support. I will make a point to recognize others around me, honor God in being thankful for them and their efforts.

Recognise people striving and giving them a hand, recognising to help others is to help myslef. I will Help;

@ work

or @ home

I will start recognizing

and acknowledging people strengths giving them the credit for their participation. Support and caring love that Jesus has given me to give them.

 I will recognize my family and/or children's gifts, skills and wonderful charm of being themselves that is what Jesus gave me to give them gratefully. Gratefulness

and honoring GOD is a choice,

it is a life commitment.

For is not our home far from here on earth?  we are just passing through!

Are we doing what we know will be pleasing in the eyes of the Father? When we take on a passion for serving God we loose all the earthy stuff great things often come in

small packages our little gifts to others will

be rewarded greatly.



Prayer, I know is the cornerstone to

my Spiritual / Christian life development. I will do everything in my power to involve my

family members in prayer.

A family that prays together stays together

no matter what may befall them.


Our Whole day needs to be with Jesus,

I need to be talking with Him about all the things that I do, say, think. Prayer is our bridge, I remember a teenager wrote us a drawing that showed stairs that read

"I build steps closer to God each day I stay in prayer with Him. I think I loose a step eachday

I do not, my wonder is when I reach so far will that be my time for me to meet the one greatest love of my life.."

 Please keep prayers

a huge part of your day..


Stand Firm:

I know that people will not always agree

with all that I believe however I will stand firm on the truths of God in all that I do. I will not sway one way or the other with the world. I know that the enemy has a stronghold in our communities presently. I will do my part in helping in any way I can to keep our neighborhoods free of drugs.

Our children safe and our communities a Place of prayer, I will pray for our President (USA,) our leaders in our churches, legislation and government officials that they would seek Gods will. That Jesus is on the minds of city leaders, they would do the will of Christ,

I commit myself to Pray for our nation, our leaders, for loved ones, family members that they would be

close to the one & only

Jesus Christ our Savior.




I will strive to find a meditation technique that work for me / would bring me time with

 God & myself

I realize the importance to

1) take time for myself, be kind to myself, I cannot give to others if I am not giving to myself.

2.) I will motivate myself to finding, keeping a meditation schedule that will work for me. I know this will be a great time with Jesus uninterrupted. I will take time to starting with a reading in the book of Life, reading a good book or doing something that will bring me happiness.



Finally, I commit to regularly review and upgrading my life's purpose, seeking greater understanding of God's will for my life, the power to carry that mission out with the Love of Jesus on my mind, my lips and my heart. The Lord will fulfill His purpose in Me;

Your love, Dear Lord endures forever.

                                                                                                      --Psalm 138: 8





 Serenity Prayer


Lord Make me an Instrument of

Your Peace

Where there is hatred,

Let me sow Love.

Where there is Injury, Pardon

Where There Is Doubt, Faith

Where there is Despair, Hope

Where There is Darkness, Light and

Where there is Sadness, Joy

O Divine Master, Grant that

I may

Not so mush seek to be consoled,

as to console.

To be understood, as to understand

To be loved, as to love;

For it is in giving that we receive,

It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,

and it is in Dying that we are Born to   Eternal Life.


Better Tomorrows Spirituality Paper Address:


E-Mail Prayer:


You are What

You Put In

Your Mind.


You Are The Light of The World. Jesus



God Grant Me

The Serenity

to accept the things that I cannot change,


to change the things that I can


The Wisdom

to know the difference

one from the other..


You might think it silly now, but way back when, Nicholas Jonas was just twelve I was begging Christian stations to play his music, I said this kid is going to be Big, He is going places, hehe Wow was that an understatement. I wrote them (The Jonas's) and told them I would remove the photo / link if they wanted The Two Great Cd's at the time was and still is "Dear God" and "Joy to the world a Christmas Prayer" boy these are still timeless gifts hope you get one  Oh the next year his Cd's took off and they were playing those Cd's all the time in the interim I put the Cd hook-ups on the Christian sites.   God Bless

You can order by Clicking the CD Nicholas Jonas

I have always valued the impute from readers, especially men and woman in recovery, Why.?. Because I feel as if we have come so far already, I mean, temptation on either side of us. Sometimes right in our families, some that may find joy in our falling. Regardless the struggle I believe God has given me the gift to empower His papers to make lives step into the Full Armor of God Daily, We have to deal with what is in the day right now! Because we cannot change ten minutes ago, we can't change a year ago, but we can know in the day we will strive to make our lives a beacon to those suffering and granted there are many. I would rather bring one man to the cross then anything else in this journey. We have the power to help those, right around us, make it happen today, you can do this!

Better Tomorrows
85-366 Heather lane.
Coachella, California. 92236
323-907-8212 (Cell)
E-Mail: < Prayer Requests
E-Mail:  < Your Story

You can sing up for text devotions by texting the request to that number listed of course we post email devotions and the papers I will list the main address presently, that address has links to everything, have any questions, concerns, Prayer requests please submit then to the Aim account @ all other mail can go to the Main account

Better Tomorrows