Celebrating Thanksgiving in the mist of a storm
Restore Such a One
The Lord is My Shepherd
The Serenity Prayer
Children and Parents
Putting the Emphasis on the Eternal
Stand, Then Stand
A study in separation - Jonah
Secure in the Arms of Jesus
He says
A Friendship Project
God's Amazing Church
He is our Tower
Officer Waxworks
Can I get a witness?
Faith and Love
Know thy self
Facing Temptation
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A Lingering Aroma
Approval Addiction
Celebrating Thanksgiving in the mist of a storm
FREEDOM from the Shackles
The Perfecting Power of Love
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Like Spring Water
Here's to You, Faithful Driven Fathers
On Top of the World
But Just Jesus
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About Better Tomorrows
The Commitment To Life
Reformation Day: A Mighty Fortress is Our God
Is the Reformation Over?
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Does God Care?
Strength Comes from God
An Experts Guide to Making Life Changes
When Satan Comes Knocking
God has made me laugh


Celebrating And Thanksgiving



The holiday of Thanksgiving provides us an opportunity to reflect upon all the things for which we are thankful. For most people, the upcoming season is a time for creating fond memories with family, friends, and loved ones.


Many of us, especially those who are out of work, battling finances, health problems, or suffering a some sort loss, for us, it may be a time when giving thanks for anything may seem nearly impossible to do. Regardless of the trigger, our outside circumstances’ can create depression, despair and make it difficult to breath in our current circumstances, maybe even hard to get up in the morning and to go through the motions of a day. But I have learned that the simple act of “Giving Thanks.”  is the first step away from despondency.


Giving thanks never enters the radar of consciousness, when you feel defeated. "Out of Kilter circumstances can force us to focus on the negative.” But the beginning of a journey towards joy again, begins when look up instead of around, when our eyes seek the Light.


The step into the Light requires only our will, “From the darkness into the light" has been a recurring theme for the world for centuries, one that I have explored several times from various styles and in / by several different writers, preacher and speakers. I get the advantage of studying works from all over the Globe with the World Wide Web, my whole day is spent preparing work for these sites.


For most of us, the way out of the darkest of times becomes a sort of pilgrimage to unearth our authentic selves and establish a tangible, genuine, reliable connection with our Creator. And finding a way to give thanks is the key to beginning that quest.


If we really try, we can always find something, anything, for which to be thankful. If you hate your job, at least you have one. If you are sick and in pain you at least have times when comfort remind us who we are. You may have a family, friends, a family of believers who loves you and wants to minister to your needs. If you are alone and lonely, you probably have a roof over your head that is keeping you safe and secure.


If you are homeless, there is at least assistance out there via people, churches and organizations that care and want to help you. This bright-siding is not meant to minimize the pain and torment that can come into your life. Most difficult circumstances sharpen us into stronger people. This is merely intended to illustrate that no matter how bad things can be, we can always find something positive if we will try. It involves a change of perspective, a willingness to begin the healing process, and a desire to feel happy again.


We have all heard the cliché that if you look around, -- you can always find someone else whose problems are worse than yours. And this platitude may be no consolation when you are hurting deeply. But when I was a child tied to a freezer in the basement, it was those thoughts that kept me sane. There is a reason that clichés persist; there is a grain of truth in those words that offers hope.



The simple act of looking outside of yourself takes the focus away from you momentarily, where we are at appears less threatening. And that is the essence of finding peace in the midst of chaos—moving the emphasis away from us and towards others in worse shape.


I have also learned that the darkest periods of my life have a purpose far greater than anything I might have encountered. They serve not only to teach me, not only to make me stronger, yet also to give me empathy and understanding when others cross my path bearing their own sufferings. My attempts to offer love and solace were not only heartfelt, but they were given with awareness, a comprehension of the vast array of emotions felt by those of us who have recovered or are recovering.


When we accepted we needed to step into a world of forgiveness, forgiving ourselves for the things we had done, the things we had done to another, made a mends where possible and accepted the spiritual steps to growth. While in our stubbornness to accept we had a problem` we couldn't make the situation any better or any more bearable for ourselves or any one else, but when I could accept I needed help then sharing my love for God with more compassion and a greater sensitivity to the circumstances of others. I found I could stay focused on staying the person God intended for me to be.

If you are finding it difficult to give thanks this holiday season, I can relate. I have found myself in a similar situation, more than once. I can't claim to know how you feel because we are all on our own unique journeys. But I do know what it is like to be so devastated, depressed so broken, and so despondent that life seems to hold no joy, no hope and no peace. However, there are some universal truths that can serve to deliver you from that darkness, as they did me.


1.    God is REAL and he LOVES us.


I KNOW this because he delivered me and he showed me, step-by-step, the way out of my own darkness. He never promised us a life without trouble, but he did promise to always walk through those troubles with us. And he often uses our experiences to teach, guide us, to help us help one another along this path we call life. God's light the wholeness we desire, is the welcomed beacon in the darks of darkness, guiding us to that brighter Better tomorrow.
God can take the most difficulties, sorrows and painful of circumstances and turn them around for our good and his glory, turn as a writer put it, “Our scars into stars.”


2.     Being thankful is the first step towards changing your mindset.


Start with finding something, anything, for which you can be thankful for, it might be as tiny as the kindness of a stranger, the laughter of a child, a glimpse of the sun on a cloudy day. It could be the warmth of a fire with a friend. It could be a person you do not even know, showing their kind heartedness to another, it could be the passion for Christ you see to others. If you make the effort, I promise—you WILL find something. Keep saying "thank you God" over and over and wondrous things will begin to happen. You will start discovering other things for which you are grateful. Add them to your "thank you" list. Don't stop giving thanks--make it part of your daily routine, all throughout the day, not just in the morning or at night. And when a new "something" reveals itself, say "thank you" at that moment as well. It might be as silly as the stop light changing to green, or as moving and meaningful as the loving gesture of a friend or family member. Train yourself to realize that each and every "good" thing in life is a reason to celebrate and give thanks.


3.    Giving to others is a gift to yourself.


Make a choice to do something to help someone else. You can start small; bring your co-worker their favorite flavor from the coffee shop. Bake a batch of cookies for the neighborhood children. Even better, volunteer at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen. Join a committee for a charitable cause. Offer your time at a senior citizens center. Give blood, comfort babies born addicted to crack, read to shut-ins at a nursing home. ANYTHING—just venture outside yourself and give of yourself to someone else. I know it feels like your well is dry and that you have nothing left to give. But you are wrong—your pain, your despair, your circumstances make you uniquely qualified to feel compassion and understand the suffering of others. Before long you will feel that well of faith building inside you.


Besides helping others, we ourselves grow and mature more from the struggles of our lives than from any other situation. It you are going through a rough period right now, use this time to develop your faith, to strengthen your weaknesses, to conquer your fears, to reach out to others who are hurting too. Believe it or not, trials and misfortunes can be gifts in disguise. They are gifts that help us to hone our coping skills, bolster our resolve and fortify our convictions. They reinforce our character and serve us well when the next challenge of our lives comes along. Not just that! Set positive, achievable goal you know are obtainable then set plans for the bigger one that will take time and effort to accomplish -- you will see yourself moving forward.


"Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way" (James 1:2-4).


So as we approach Thanksgiving, use this time to be thankful for what you have rather than dwelling on what you have lost. Give of yourself—you are a carefully crafted creation with unique talents, And Remember all God has made is a workmanship of greatness, including you, you have experiences and gifts that only you can share. Seek professional counseling if you need help taking the first steps to wellness, it is not bad thing, if you need a little help. Know this, if God had not intended for doctors to be for our best, to be there to help us, then He would not have created them, Remember He makes no mistakes. Ask God for his guidance….. HE IS there and HE has not forsaken you! Don't isolate yourself with pain and despair. Seek out the company of others and surround yourself with loving, caring people who can help you to see the joy that life holds.


I realize that serious circumstances may involve more guidance than a mere article or the sharing from any well intentioned person, church or organization. But I want to leave you with hope, with a place to start and with the knowledge that you are not alone.


There IS an end to this sorrow, but it is you who has to take the first step to find your way, "out of the darkness and into the light." I promise you, the journey is well worth the effort and if I managed to do it, then I believe that you can also. Remember, big changes start with small steps--are you ready to begin taking yours, if you have not already. If you have, you have a great deal to be thankful for, give this to someone you know who need it please feel free to make sure they receive a copy.


My sincerest prayer for a Happy Thanksgiving to you all, now and in your walk…

In the sight of God, who gives life to everything, and of Christ Jesus, who while testifying before Pontius Pilate made the good confession, I charge you to keep this command without spot or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, which God will bring about in His own time, God, the blessed and only Ruler, the "KING of Kings and LORD of Lords" Who Alone Is Immortal and Who Lives In Unapproachable Light, Whom No One Has Seen Or Can See. To Him be honor and might forever.  1 Timothy 6:13-16


"The Lord is my shepherd. He gives me everything I need…he gives me new strength. He guides me in the right paths for the honor of his name. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid. You are with me" (Psalm 23).

God Grant Me
The Serenity;

To Accept The Things I cannot Change.
The Courage
To Change the Things that I can
The Wisdom
To know The difference one from the other.
Your will, and not mine own be Done… 




You might think it silly now, but way back when, Nicholas Jonas was just twelve I was begging Christian stations to play his music, I said this kid is going to be Big, He is going places, hehe Wow was that an understatement. I wrote them (The Jonas's) and told them I would remove the photo / link if they wanted The Two Great Cd's at the time was and still is "Dear God" and "Joy to the world a Christmas Prayer" boy these are still timeless gifts hope you get one  Oh the next year his Cd's took off and they were playing those Cd's all the time in the interim I put the Cd hook-ups on the Christian sites.   God Bless

You can order by Clicking the CD Nicholas Jonas

I have always valued the impute from readers, especially men and woman in recovery, Why.?. Because I feel as if we have come so far already, I mean, temptation on either side of us. Sometimes right in our families, some that may find joy in our falling. Regardless the struggle I believe God has given me the gift to empower His papers to make lives step into the Full Armor of God Daily, We have to deal with what is in the day right now! Because we cannot change ten minutes ago, we can't change a year ago, but we can know in the day we will strive to make our lives a beacon to those suffering and granted there are many. I would rather bring one man to the cross then anything else in this journey. We have the power to help those, right around us, make it happen today, you can do this!

Better Tomorrows
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Better Tomorrows